Brew pour-over V60

Pour-over is probably the oldest brewing technique. Water seeps through the ground coffee, absorbing its oils and essences, solely under gravity, then passes through the bottom of the filter. The used coffee grounds are retained in the filter with the liquid falling (dripping) into a collecting vessel such as a carafe or pot.

  • 300g boiling water
  • 20g ground coffee

Step 1

  • Boil fresh mountain water.
  • Grind your beans to adjust for you brew time, unique filter paper, and acquired taste. We like to use a burr grinder or small portable hand grinder. Adjust grind to match approx. 3-3:30 minute brew time. The goal is to extract the coffee, but not under or over extract the coffee. Under extracted can taste sour or unpleasant sharp acidity, and over extracted can taste bitter or astringent.


Step 2

  • Place a filter into the filter cone.
  • Add hot water to remove the paper taste and warm the filter cone and craft.

Step 3

  • Add your ground coffee.
  • Begin pouring a per-infusion of 100 grams of water and wait 1 minute. We like to swirl the filter cone a few times to make sure all coffee has come in contact with the water.
  • For lighter roasted coffee we like to use 93c-100c water. Perhaps for medium to darker roasted coffee try lower temperatures of 88c-90c.

Step 4

  • Continue to slowly pour 100 grams of water each minute with a total brew time of a 3 minutes. Adjust the grind and your flow rate until you get near 3-3:30 minutes or you are happy with the flavour and extraction time.  We also like to swirl at the end to get a nice even flat coffee bed to help with even extractions. Wait a few minutes to drink and for the origin flavours to show up.  Enjoy.pourpaw2